2022 Teams
Tournament Rules
Tournament Note:
Gate Entry:
Adults $5
Kids $3 by
Free entry for ALL players and 3 COACHES!
Tournament Rules: NFHS with tournament modifications
1. Time Limits for Pool Play games is 1 hour 30 minutes drop dead. Time Limit for all ages for Bracket Play for games is no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes. 2. Run-Ahead Rule: 10 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings; 6 after 6 innings. 3. Tie Breaker: In Pool Play- if at the end of 7 innings or if the time limit expires (games will revert back to last full inning) games will end in a tie. Any pool game can end in a tie. After Pool Play - the games cannot end in a tie. If at the end of 7 innings, or time limit expires, the next inning starts with a runner (the last scheduled batter) at 2nd base. 4. Balls: The tourney will provide the game balls. 5. Game Time: Game time is forfeit time unless the delay is created by tournament. 6. Extra Player (EP): Teams may insert an Extra Player anywhere in their line-up at the beginning of the game, giving them 10 hitters, any 9 can play defense. 7. Home Team: Flip for home team in pool play. Playoffs games will allow the higher seed to be home team. If the two teams have the same seeding a head to head tie breaker will be used. If the two teams have not played each other home team will be decided by coin flip. 8. Dugouts: Team listed first in pool or top of the bracket to occupy the third base dugout unless a team from the prior game is in that dugout. 9. Protest: All protests to be handled on the field by the UIC, a tournament official and the Umpire who made the call, there will be a $100 protest fee to be returned if the protest is upheld. 10. DP/Flex: DP and Flex players may be used. Example: The DP hits for the flex player anywhere in the batting order. The Flex may play any defensive position, and may enter the game offensively only in the DP position. 11. Roster: May not exceed 20 players during the tournament. Players may not be added to a roster once the tournament begins. 12. Championship Games: No time limit. Run-Ahead rule still in effect. 13. Decisions: The Tournament Director shall have final decision on all tournament questions. 14. Courtesy runners are allowed for Pitchers & Catchers only when there is an available sub. **Exception for batting entire line-up, the runner will be the last scheduled batter 15. Pitchers must have both feet in contact w/pitching plate to start. 16. Any coach, player and/or spectator ejected from a game may be required to not participate in their next scheduled game. 17. Jewelry-umpire's discretion (no hard plastic or metal on fingers/wrists)
10U SPECIALTY RULES: (no metal cleats) 1. 35' pitching distance 2. 11" ball
12U SPECIALTY RULES: (no metal cleats) 1. 40' pitching distance 2. 12" ball
14U SPECIALTY RULES: 1. 43' pitching distance 2. METAL CLEATS ARE ALLOWED
DP / FLEX and EP Rules: OPTION 1: **You want to bat nine players. Those nine can play any position on defense without reporting to the umpire. Those nine can NOT change order in the batting order even though they may be playing different positions each inning. OPTION 2: **Use of DP/Flex 10 players are listed on the line-up, but only 9 bat. The DP can bat for any player that you designate prior to the start of the game and this player is designated as the Flex, playing defense only. Any of the 10 players, including the DP can play on defense. The DP and the Flex can play defense at the same time. When the DP plays defense, any other of the nine "batting" players may be removed from the defense, but is not considered to have left the game. If the Flex is removed from the defense, the Flex is considered to have left the game. DP is batting for the pitcher (Flex) and as the game goes on, all available subs have been used. In the 5th inning, the SS is not ready to go out onto the field - she has to visit the restroom. So, the coach sends the DP out to play SS. This is not a substitution, it is merely a "defensive" position swap. The DP is now handling the defensive function of the SS and is handling the offensive function of the pitcher. Next inning, the SS is back & ready to take the field, but the LF now has to go to the restroom. Now, the DP is going to play LF defensively - just like at SS the earlier inning. All this time, the DP is still the DP, the pitcher is still the pitcher, the SS is still the SS, and LF is still the LF. There have been no lineup additions, just defensive position changes. The DP is like any other starter, there are no limits as to the number of innings or positions played on defense. The only limitation is that if the DP plays defense for the Flex, the Flex is out of the game. But that's OK, as the Flex is also a starter and can re-enter one time. Just like if the Flex bats or runs for the DP, the DP is out of the game and can also re-enter one time. The Flex is a starter and may re-enter. If you do this, the lineup goes from 10 to 9 (original change) and now back to 10 - with the re-entry of the Flex. If/when this happens, the Flex is still the Flex and the DP has remained the DP all along. You may also decide later that the Flex should bat or run for the DP with the DP now leaving the game. Lineup goes from 10 to 9 (original change) to 10(Flex re-entry) to 9. And the DP is also a starter & may re-enter at a later time. So here we see the lineup going from 10 to 9 to 10 to 9 & back to 10. This is just 1 example of the flexibility/versatility of the DP/Flex positions. OPTION 3: **Use of the EP/EH (Extra hitter or Extra player). This basically gives you the ability to hit 10 and any 9 of those 10 can play defensive. You do NOT have to list the EP/EH at the bottom of the line-up. This player can be placed anywhere in the line-up. One inning you can sit your SS and the next inning you can set you LF as long as the line-up doesn't change you don't have to report the defensive changes--see above. If you use this option, and you have no subs, and if a player were to get hurt, you'd be forced to take an out every time that player came up to bat. OPTION 4: **Use of the DP/Flex with the addition of the EP/EH. This allows you to have 11 players in the ball game. You are batting 10 and you have one player designated as the Flex.
Pool play is open subs and does count toward bracket play.
Bracket is seeded.
. Gate Entry:
Adults $5
Kids $3
Free entry for ALL players and 3 COACHES!
Gate Entry:
Adults $5
Kids $3 by
Free entry for ALL players and 3 COACHES!
Tournament Rules: NFHS with tournament modifications
1. Time Limits for Pool Play games is 1 hour 30 minutes drop dead. Time Limit for all ages for Bracket Play for games is no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes. 2. Run-Ahead Rule: 10 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings; 6 after 6 innings. 3. Tie Breaker: In Pool Play- if at the end of 7 innings or if the time limit expires (games will revert back to last full inning) games will end in a tie. Any pool game can end in a tie. After Pool Play - the games cannot end in a tie. If at the end of 7 innings, or time limit expires, the next inning starts with a runner (the last scheduled batter) at 2nd base. 4. Balls: The tourney will provide the game balls. 5. Game Time: Game time is forfeit time unless the delay is created by tournament. 6. Extra Player (EP): Teams may insert an Extra Player anywhere in their line-up at the beginning of the game, giving them 10 hitters, any 9 can play defense. 7. Home Team: Flip for home team in pool play. Playoffs games will allow the higher seed to be home team. If the two teams have the same seeding a head to head tie breaker will be used. If the two teams have not played each other home team will be decided by coin flip. 8. Dugouts: Team listed first in pool or top of the bracket to occupy the third base dugout unless a team from the prior game is in that dugout. 9. Protest: All protests to be handled on the field by the UIC, a tournament official and the Umpire who made the call, there will be a $100 protest fee to be returned if the protest is upheld. 10. DP/Flex: DP and Flex players may be used. Example: The DP hits for the flex player anywhere in the batting order. The Flex may play any defensive position, and may enter the game offensively only in the DP position. 11. Roster: May not exceed 20 players during the tournament. Players may not be added to a roster once the tournament begins. 12. Championship Games: No time limit. Run-Ahead rule still in effect. 13. Decisions: The Tournament Director shall have final decision on all tournament questions. 14. Courtesy runners are allowed for Pitchers & Catchers only when there is an available sub. **Exception for batting entire line-up, the runner will be the last scheduled batter 15. Pitchers must have both feet in contact w/pitching plate to start. 16. Any coach, player and/or spectator ejected from a game may be required to not participate in their next scheduled game. 17. Jewelry-umpire's discretion (no hard plastic or metal on fingers/wrists)
10U SPECIALTY RULES: (no metal cleats) 1. 35' pitching distance 2. 11" ball
12U SPECIALTY RULES: (no metal cleats) 1. 40' pitching distance 2. 12" ball
14U SPECIALTY RULES: 1. 43' pitching distance 2. METAL CLEATS ARE ALLOWED
DP / FLEX and EP Rules: OPTION 1: **You want to bat nine players. Those nine can play any position on defense without reporting to the umpire. Those nine can NOT change order in the batting order even though they may be playing different positions each inning. OPTION 2: **Use of DP/Flex 10 players are listed on the line-up, but only 9 bat. The DP can bat for any player that you designate prior to the start of the game and this player is designated as the Flex, playing defense only. Any of the 10 players, including the DP can play on defense. The DP and the Flex can play defense at the same time. When the DP plays defense, any other of the nine "batting" players may be removed from the defense, but is not considered to have left the game. If the Flex is removed from the defense, the Flex is considered to have left the game. DP is batting for the pitcher (Flex) and as the game goes on, all available subs have been used. In the 5th inning, the SS is not ready to go out onto the field - she has to visit the restroom. So, the coach sends the DP out to play SS. This is not a substitution, it is merely a "defensive" position swap. The DP is now handling the defensive function of the SS and is handling the offensive function of the pitcher. Next inning, the SS is back & ready to take the field, but the LF now has to go to the restroom. Now, the DP is going to play LF defensively - just like at SS the earlier inning. All this time, the DP is still the DP, the pitcher is still the pitcher, the SS is still the SS, and LF is still the LF. There have been no lineup additions, just defensive position changes. The DP is like any other starter, there are no limits as to the number of innings or positions played on defense. The only limitation is that if the DP plays defense for the Flex, the Flex is out of the game. But that's OK, as the Flex is also a starter and can re-enter one time. Just like if the Flex bats or runs for the DP, the DP is out of the game and can also re-enter one time. The Flex is a starter and may re-enter. If you do this, the lineup goes from 10 to 9 (original change) and now back to 10 - with the re-entry of the Flex. If/when this happens, the Flex is still the Flex and the DP has remained the DP all along. You may also decide later that the Flex should bat or run for the DP with the DP now leaving the game. Lineup goes from 10 to 9 (original change) to 10(Flex re-entry) to 9. And the DP is also a starter & may re-enter at a later time. So here we see the lineup going from 10 to 9 to 10 to 9 & back to 10. This is just 1 example of the flexibility/versatility of the DP/Flex positions. OPTION 3: **Use of the EP/EH (Extra hitter or Extra player). This basically gives you the ability to hit 10 and any 9 of those 10 can play defensive. You do NOT have to list the EP/EH at the bottom of the line-up. This player can be placed anywhere in the line-up. One inning you can sit your SS and the next inning you can set you LF as long as the line-up doesn't change you don't have to report the defensive changes--see above. If you use this option, and you have no subs, and if a player were to get hurt, you'd be forced to take an out every time that player came up to bat. OPTION 4: **Use of the DP/Flex with the addition of the EP/EH. This allows you to have 11 players in the ball game. You are batting 10 and you have one player designated as the Flex.
Pool play is open subs and does count toward bracket play.
Bracket is seeded.
. Gate Entry:
Adults $5
Kids $3
Free entry for ALL players and 3 COACHES!